12Character Meaning Examples\BcharacterMatches a string containingcharacter, and no space is allowedbefore character."\Bt" matches "t" in "install", but not "t" in "bigtop".character1\wMatches character1character2.character2 must be a number, letter,or underline, and \w equals[A-Za-z0-9_]."v\w" matches "vlan" ("v" is character1 and "l" ischaracter2) and "service" ( "i" is character2).\W Equals \b."\Wa" matches "-a", with "-" being character1,and "a" being character2, but does not match "2a"or "ba".\Escape character. If a specialcharacter listed in this table follows\, the specific meaning of thecharacter is removed."\\" matches a string containing "\", "\^" matchesa string containing "^", and "\\b" matches a stringcontaining "\b".The following are regular expression examples:# Use | begin user-interface in the display current-configuration command to match the first line ofoutput that contains user-interface to the final line of output. display current-configuration | begin user-interfaceuser-interface con 0user-interface aux 0user-interface vty 0 4authentication-mode noneuser privilege level 3#return# Use | exclude Direct in the display ip routing-table command to filter out direct routes and display onlythe non-direct routes. display ip routing-table | exclude DirectRouting Tables: PublicDestination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface10.1.1.0/24 Static 60 2 Vlan2# Use | include Vlan in the display ip routing-table command to filter in route entries that contain Vlan. display ip routing-table | include VlanRouting Tables: PublicDestination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface192.168.1.0/24 Direct 0 0 Vlan999