Introducing the HP 8 110AEnhanced Pulse Capability for Digital Design TestingThe HP 8110A 150 MHz Pulse Generator generat,esall st,andard pulses, digital pat,terns and multi-levelwaveforms needed to test CMOS and other digital designsup t,o 150 MHz.Benchtop Testing The graphic display showing all pulse parameters at aglance, the Cursor keys and the Modify knob allow fastand simple operation.Automated Testing The SCPI programming commands, optional rearpanelconnectors and 3.5in rack height, allow quick and efficient,integrat,ion into automated test systems.Reliable Testing The high pulse integrity with 10 ps timing resolution anddown to 20 ps RMS-jitter with the optional PLL/ExternalClock all ensure consistent, reliable timing.Upgradeable Testing The optional second output channel, PLL/ExternalClock module, and Multichannel Deskew module can beinstalled at any time, not just at the time of purchase.lntroducinp the HP 8110A 2.1