System ConfigurationQuarantining, 802.1X3-582. Enter the LDAP server hostname or IP address and optional port numberin the Server text field. For example: Enter the DN under which LDAP searches should be done in the Identitytext field. For example: cn=admin,o=My Org,c=UA4. Enter the password that authenticates the DN entered into the Identity textfield in the Password text field.5. Type the same password you entered into the Password field in the Re-enter password field.6. Enter the base DN of LDAP searches in the Base DN text field. Forexample: o=My Org,c=UA7. Enter the LDAP search filter used to locate user objects from namesupplied by endpoint in the Filter text field. For example: (uid=%u)8. Enter the LDAP attribute which contains end-user passwords in thePassword attribute text field. This is initially set to userPassword to usethe universal password of the eDirectory user.9. To use a secure Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection with the LDAPserver that is verified with a certificate authority:a. Select the Use a secure connection (TLS) check box.b. Enter a PEM-encoded file name that contains the CA certificate usedto sign the LDAP server's TLS certificate in the New certificate textfield. Click Browse to search for file names. The current certificateselected is shown by Current certificate.10. To test the OpenLDAP settings:a. Select one of the following from the Server to test from drop-down listin the Test Windows domain settings area:– The ES in this cluster to test from, or– The MSb. To verify a specific set of user credentials in addition to theOpenLDAP settings, select the Verify credentials for an end-user checkbox, and specify the following:i. Enter the user name of the end-user in the User name text box.ii. Enter the password of the end-user in the Password text box.iii. Re-enter the password of the end-user in the Re-enter passwordtext box.c. Click test settings.11. Click ok.