))f f l Getting Started( | Q HP-IB InterfacingL 3 3 Establishing Boundaries and Units) H H RS-232-C/CCITT V.24 Interfacing^ 4 3 Controlling the Pen and Plotting■ I I HP-IL InterfacingJ [ l Enhancing the Plot) Q j An HP-IB Overview• ^ 3 LabelingJ B O Instruction SyntaxJ t l DigitizingReference MaterialObtaining Information from the PlotterID^ Putting the Commands to Work) PART NO. 07470-90001 WAo% HEWLETT OCTOBER 1984\ MICROFICHE NO. 07470-90051 LfiM PACKARD PRINTED IN U.S.A.INTERFACINGANDPROGRAMMINGMANUALH P 7470AGraphics PlotterRS-232-C/CCITT V.24..DESIGNED FOB..'SYSTEMS'P