Chapter 6 | Accessing e-mail | 87from a variety of available PC Card modems∗, Bluetoothdevices, and LAN cards. (For more information aboutcompatible PC Card modems and other PC Cardcommunication devices, go to the HP Jornada Accessories pageon the HP Jornada Web site at• A PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) or SLIP (Serial LineInternet Protocol) account—An Internet service provider(ISP) will provide you with important information, such as auser name, password, dial-up telephone number, servernames, and so on.• A dial-up connection set up on your HP Jornada—HPdialup makes this step easy.• Access to a telephone line—You can connect to an analogtelephone line if your HP Jornada has a built-in modem. If youuse a PC card modem, check the manufacturer’s instructionsfor telephone line compatibility.If you use the HP Jornada internal modem, you must use ananalog telephone line to connect your modem. Connecting to adigital telephone line can damage your modem.Connecting to corporate e-mail and network fromoff-siteTypical corporate LAN remote (off-site) connectionIf you want dial-up access to corporate e-mail and Internetservices when you are offsite, then, in addition to the itemsnecessary for a personal internet connection listed above, you willneed:∗ Modem purchased separately. Some Web sites/content may not beavailable.