Digital Output The example programs that follow use the statementsPrograms described in this section to output data on your DigitalOutput. They use the default label (DIG.OUT.Ol) andassume that the default settings (see Table 1-1) are ineffect. The first example is with handshake disabled andthe second example is with handshake enabled.Example 1program shell1010 CALL SET.DRIVER(DIG.OUT.01,TTL)This statement sets the Digital Output to be compatible withTTL logic levels.1020 WXYZ -151030 CALL OUTPUT(DIG.OUT.01,WXYZ)These statements load data from the variable WXYZ into thedata register. This instructs the data register to program outputbits 0 through 3 high.1040 CALL ENABLE.OUTPUT(DIG.OUT.Ol)The output driver sets bits 0 through 3 high only after thisstatement is programmed.1050 STOP5*16 Programming with BASIC