3-77 Sample Program. A sample program (9825A calcu¬lator) for controlling the unipolar output of the 59501B isgiven in example 6. The program includes a calibrationroutine and allows the operator to input specific voltagevalues on the keyboard. The program also provides auto¬matic range changing and error messages that indicate if thevoltage value requested exceeds 9.99V or if a negative voltageis requested. A line-by-line explanation is given after theprogram. Programming fundamentals are provided inparagraphs 3-29 through 3-34.3-78 The sample program requires use of the General I/Oand Extended I/O ROM's. After keying in the program, pressRUN. All operations required to complete the program aregiven on the calculator display. After each operation iscompleted, press CONTINUE.NOTEThe program listings provided in the followingexamples are taken from an HP 9866B printer.These listings are provided only because 9866Bprintouts are easier to read than printouts momthe 9825A's internal strip printer. Also, a checksum is provided at the end of each 9825A programlisting. Make sure that the check sum at the endof your keyed-in program matches the check sumprovided in the listing.Explanation:Setup instructions. . D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST on 59501B .Calibration instructions using ZERO ADJUSI and u/a ruX Rested HI". 6) is too high or negative, the appropriate error message appears on the d.spiay forthree seconds and, then the program returns to Ime 8. ^ z ^ carriage return/li„err n«r ::-!Tthe CB/^e* are not stressed, the output w„,go to an undesired value (see paragraph 3-34).3-18