Mode! 5344SOperation and ProgrammingINSTRUMENT PRESETSets the 5344S to its power-up conditions as follows:■>LOCALMODE = CW, CW Frequency = 0MARKERS 1 through 4 = OFF, all Marker Frequencies = 0SWEEP TIME = 10 msSTEP SIZE = 0FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER = 1RM =0The IP command must not be followed by any other commands or data including carriage returns or line feedsuntil the power-up reset is complete. These commands will be ignored. The IP command should be placed on itsown line.CONTINUOUS WAVECWSets the 5344S to CW mode. The 5344S enters and displays the CW frequency.VALUE:The value may be a simple number such as 10, 25.98,1010.25, etc. The value may also be a simplenumber plus an exponent, such as 10.79 E + 9,10 E-1,26.5 E-2, etc. The exponent plus the multipliermust fall within the 5344S range, such as 75.92 E-1 GZ = 7.592 GHz.Only the first 11 digits are significant. All others are ignored. Only the first decimal point is acceptedas valid.The CW frequency range is 500 MHz to 18 GHz for the 5342A and 500 MHz to 26.5 GHz for the5343A. If the 5344S is placed in Subharmonic Locking mode, the limit extends from 10 MHz to99.999999999 GHz for both counters.Entries outside of the limits default to the closest limit.3-63