HP 5344S How To Use Manual
Also see for 5344S: Operating instructions
HP 8350BSweep ChcilliltoroHP 11664ADetectorHP 5344S Microw8vISource SynchroniurMODE Switchto "SUBHMNC"F,gure 5. Transmission measurement using SUBHA RMONIC/OFFSET Lock. The co unter sa mples the rear panelAUX OUTPUT.samples the AUX OUTPUT of the plug-in, whichis the plug-in ' s fundamental YIG tunedoscillator (YTO) output. The frequency ofthis output is simply related to the RFoutput in one of two ways.1. Offset locking - For HP 83590 seriesRF plug-ins tha t operate in the lowfrequency range (10 MHz to 2 . 4 GHzfor the HP 83592A) , the sweeperemploys a heterodyne technique .The YTO frequency, sampled on theAUX OUTPUT, is mixed with a fixedcavity oscillator (3.8 GHz for allHP 83590 series plug-ins thatoperate in this range), to obtaina signal in the range from 10 MHz to2 . 4 GHz. The back panel AUX OUTPUTis therefore offset from the frontpa n el RF by this fixed cavityoscillator frequency . This offsetmust be entered manually on thecounter, so it can display the RFoutput frequency instead of thefundamental YTO frequency.2. Subharmonic locking - When higherfrequencies are used the HP 83590ser ies or HP 86290 ser ies RF plug":'inuses a frequency multiplier , andthe YTO frequency on the AUX OU TPUTis harmonically related to thefront panel output by an integermultiple. The HP 53445 canautomaticall y calculate these fre-quency multipliers for integervalues from 1 to 4, and the counterdisplays the multi plied RFfrequency. Higher values can beentered manually .Instructions for using the subhar-monic /of fset locking are included at the endof this section . Subharmonic / offset lock-ing is strongly recommended for the HP 83590series and the HP 86290 series RF plug - insbecause of these advantages:1. The sweeper plug- i n I s AUX OUTPUT issampled , so there is no need t o takecostly power from the front panel RFwith a coupler or power splitter.2. The range of frequencies that can bephase locked by the HP 53445 can beextended beyond the range of thecounter, because the counter alwayscounts the fundamental YTO fre-quency and adjusts its displayaccording to the offset or harmonicnu mber . The range becomes the sameas t h e range of the RF plug-in .3 . The internal 27.8 kHz square wavemodulation function of the HP 8350Bcan be used, so there is no need foran external modulator. (Normalmode requires external modulation,since the counter must sample anunmodulated signal from the frontpanel. )OSI NG 5OBBARM ONIC/ OP P SBT LOCKI NGIf you are using any of the sweeperplug-ins l i sted in table 1, you can takeadvantage of the subharmonic /o ffset lockingfunction of the HP 53445 . This enables youto use a much simpler RF configuration likethe one shown in figure 5.TABLE 1P£m-INS wrm NlX aJ'm1rPUR SI:JIlIlAIM:N[C/OPl'SKr UXXIH:;!\OX 00l'PUT RilNSE OF RilNSE OFFR&;UfN:Y FR&;UfN:Y OFFSE:r SUB~ICRilNSE RilNSE LCCKIN:i LCCKIN:iPWG-IN (GHz) (GHz) (GHz) (GHz)HP 83570A 18.0 - 26 . 5 9-13.25 None 18-26 . 5HP 83590A 2 - 20 2 - 7 lble 2 - 20HP 83592A 0 . 01 - 20 2.3 - 7 0 . 01 - 2.3 2.3 - 20HP 83592B 0 . 01 - 20 2.3 - 7 0 . 01 - 2.3 2.3 - 20HP 83592C 0 . 01 - 20 2.3 - 7 0.01 - 2.3 2 . 3 - 20HP 83594A 2 - 26 . 5 2 - 7 None 2 - 26 . 5HP 83595A 0 . 01 - 26 . 5 2.3 - 7 . 01 - 2 . 3 2 . 3 - 26.5HP 86251A 7 . 5 - 18 . 6 2.5 - 6.2 lble 7.5 - 18 . 6HP 86290A 2 - 18 2 - 6.2 None 2 - 18HP 862908 2 - 18.6 2 - 6.2 None 2 - 18.6HP 86290C 2 - 18.6 2 - 6 . 2 None 2 - 18.68 |
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