Business Copy EVA/MA/EMA 2.x Job operationname and useReplication Solutions Manager equivalent jobcommandMOUNT VOLUME_ALLPresents the virtual disks that underlie a host volumereplica (or pre-existing host volume) to a host OSand requests mounting of all components using thespecified parameters. Components can only belogical volumes.There is no equivalent single command. The followingcan apply:CreateHostVolumeGroupCreateHostVolumeDiscreteMountEntireVolumeGroupMOUNT VOLUME_ALL {raw}Presents the virtual disks that underlie a host volumereplica (or pre-existing host volume) to a host OSand requests that all components be handled asraw devices. The components can only be logicalvolumes.CreateDiskDeviceMOUNT VOLUME_SINGLEPresents the virtual disks that underlie a host volumereplica (or pre-existing host volume) to a host OSand requests mounting of one component using thespecified parameters. The component may be an OSdefined partition, slice, disk section or logical volume.There is no equivalent single command. The followingcan apply:CreateHostVolumeGroupCreateHostVolumeDiscreteMountVolumeGroupComponentMOUNT VOLUME_SINGLE {raw}Presents the virtual disks that underlie a host volumereplica (or pre-existing host volume) to a host OS andrequests that the specified component be handledas a raw device. Components can only be logicalvolumesCreateDiskDeviceNORMALIZE UNITChecks the state of a unit (virtual disk). When thestate is normal or unshared, BC executes the nextstep in the job. While the state is normalizing orunsharing, BC continues to check the state.Normalization applies to EVA and MA/EMA arrays.WaitStorageVolumeNormalizationWaitStorageVolumesNormalizationMA/EMA arrays are not supported.NORMALIZE VOLUMEChecks the states of units (virtual disks) that comprisea volume. When all of the states are normal orunshared, BC executes the next step in the job.While any one state is normalizing or unsharing, BCcontinues to check the state. Normalization applies toEVA arrays and MA/EMA arrays.WaitHostVolumeNormalizationWaitVolumeGroupNormalizationMA/EMA arrays are not supported.PAUSEBC stops the job at the step containing the pauseoperation. When a continue command is issued fromthe graphical user interface, or from the BC commandline interface (EVMCL), BC restarts the job, beginningat the step after the pause step.PauseRESUMEExecutes the specified command, batch file, orscript on a given host. Resume is typically used torestart database I/O that was halted by a suspendoperation.LaunchSCHEDULECreates a job event in the BC job scheduler. Use the job scheduling feature in the GUI. The featurereplaces the schedule command.HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions Manager 4.0.1 173