SnapcloneStorageVolumeToContainerCreates a preallocated snapclone (point-in-time copy, using a container) of a storage volume.Syntax and argumentsSnapcloneStorageVolumeToContainer ( %storvol_unc_name%, %container_unc_name%, NOWAIT )UNC Storage Volume Name (%storvol_unc_name%). Select or enter the UNC name of the storagevolume to copy.UNC Container Name (%container_unc_name%). Select or enter the name of the virtual disk containerthat is to become the preallocated snapclone.Wait Flag. Select wait or nowait. See jobs wait/nowait argument.ExamplesSnapcloneStorageVolumeToContainer ( "\\ArrayA2\Cats", "\\ArrayA2\CatsContainer", NOWAIT )Comments• Associated validation commands. ValidateSnapcloneStorageVolume• Agent and license prerequisites. Requires a local replication license for the storage system onwhich the storage volume is located.• Command result value. Snapclone storage volume name (UNC). For a complete list, seecommand result values.• OS specifics. None• A flush of the source virtual disk write cache is required before replication is started.• This command cannot be used with some older versions of controller software.• See resource names and UNC formats.SnapcloneStorageVolumesToContainersCreates a preallocated snapclones (point-in-time copies) of a multiple storage volumes, by usingcontainers.Syntax and argumentsSnapcloneStorageVolumesToContainers ( %storvol_unc_names%, %container_unc_names%, NOWAIT )UNC Storage Volume Names (%storvol_unc_names%). Select or enter the UNC names of the storagevolumes to copy. See argument lists. Or, select a variable used in a prior step that represents thestorage volumes.UNC Container Names (%container_unc_names%). Select or enter the names of the virtual diskcontainers that are to become the preallocated snapclones. Or, select a variable used in a prior stepthat represents the containers.Wait Flag. Select wait or nowait. See jobs wait/nowait argument.ExamplesSnapcloneStorageVolumesToContainers ( ("\\ArrayA2\Cats", "\\ArrayA2\Dogs"), ("\\ArrayA2\CatsCon-tainer", "\\ArrayA2\DogsContainer"), NOWAIT )SnapcloneStorageVolumesToContainers ( $my_svol_list, $cont_list, NOWAIT )HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions Manager 4.0.1 167