_Operational Verification Tests 3457A4-63. OPERATIONAL VERIFICATION TESTS4-64, The Operational Verification Tests are an abbreviated version of the Performance Tests. The purpose @of these tests is to provide a more rapid means of testing the performance of the HP 3457A. TheOperational Verification Tests are designed to provide a 90% confidence that the instrument is operationaland that it meets its specifications.DC Voltage Operational Verification Tests— ;\ Sac7WON RSV ANSE7 5 8 7 pleVOLTAGESOURCEFigure 4-12. DCV Operational Verification Test Connections 2NOTEThe temperature of the environment where these tests are to be performed must bewithin 5° C of the temperature where the instrument was calibrated. The instrumentwas calibrated at the factory in an area with a temperature of 20° C (+ 1° ©).4-65. Preliminary Steps1. Turn the instrument ON and allow a one hour warm-up period.2. Be certain all external inputs are disconnected from the HP 3457A. Run the TEST routine. The testresult must read "SELF TEST OK". If the display shows "TEST FAILED", the instrument probably needsrepair.3. Run the AUTO CAL routine. (Press the AUTO CAL key, enter the number | and press the ENT key).4-66. DC Voltage Function - Offset Test4-67. Equipment Required. A low thermal short (copper wire) is required for this procedure.1, Connect a low thermal short across the Front Panel HI and LO Input Terminals. S