Display ControlTo speed up the rate at which the function generator can makeconfiguration changes, or for security reasons, you may want to turn offthe front-panel display. From the remote interface, you can also displaya message containing up to 11 characters on the front panel.The display can be enabled/disabled from the remote interface only.• When the display is turned off, output parameters are not sent to thedisplay and all annunciators except ERROR and Shift are disabled.Front-panel operation is otherwise unaffected by turning off the display.• The display state is stored in volatile memory; the display is alwaysenabled when power has been off or after a remote interface reset.• You can display a message on the front panel by sending a commandfrom the remote interface. The function generator can display up to11 characters of the message on the front panel; any additionalcharacters are truncated. Commas, periods, and semicolons share adisplay space with the preceding character, and are not consideredindividual characters. When a message is displayed, informationrelating to the output waveform (such as frequency and amplitude)is not sent to the display.• Sending a message to the display from the remote interface overridesthe display state; this means that you can display a message even ifthe display is turned off.• The display state is automatically turned on when you return to thelocal (front panel) state. Press the Shift key or execute LOCAL 710from the remote interface to return to the local state.• Remote Interface Operation:DISPlay {OFF|ON} Disable/enable the displayDISPlay:TEXT <quoted string> Display the string enclosed in quotesDISPlay:TEXT:CLEar Clear the displayed messageThe following command string shows how to display a message on thefront panel."DISP:TEXT ’HELLO’"Chapter 3 Features and FunctionsSystem-Related Operations112