technologyH P 3 0 0 0 B u s i n e s s S e r v e r s N e t w o r k i n gHP3000Bus nessServersSNA NRJE Network Remote Job EntryThis paragraph describes System Network ArchitectureNetwork Remote Job Entry (SNA NRJE) for both theMPE V (SNA NRJE/V) and MPE/iX (SNA NRJE/iX)operating systems. The term SNA NRJE is used to referto both SNA NRJE/V and SNA NRJE/iX. The terms SNANRJE/V and SNA NRJE/iX are used when a distinction isnecessary.SNA NRJE/V on the HP 3000 Series 37-70 or SNANRJE/iX on the HP 3000 Series 900 provides enhancedbatch data communications between the HP 3000 and anIBM Systems/370-compatible mainframe in a SystemNetwork Architecture (SNA) environment. SNA NRJEemulates the major features of an IBM 8100 DPPX/RJEworkstation using an SNA Physical Unit Type 2 (PU 2),Logical Unit Type 1 (LU 1) device.HP SNA Services (30292B):- SNA NRJE Network Remote Job Entry- SNA IMF/iX Interactive Mainframe Facility- LU 6.2 Application Programming Interface- SNA Distributed Host Command Facility/iXFeatures• SNA NRJE is able is able tocommunicate with JES2, JES3, andVSE/POWER host job entry subsystems.• Automatically route job output basedon destinations selected by the user atthe time of job submittal - “JobManagement”• Automatically route output based onuser-selected IBM host forms - “OutputManagement”• Process batch jobs originated by a useron an IBM Mainframe - “Reverse NRJE”• Provide Native Languages Support - fordata only. NLS 16-bit charactermapping; interactive and programmaticaccess; and data integrity are notsupported for languages such asJapanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese,and Traditional Chinese.• Host output can be sent to anysupported output device on an HP3000 such as disk files, tape files,printers, or user-written programs.• Multiple HP 3000 users canconcurrently access the host for batchprocessing.• Jobs are submitted into thetransmission queue independent of theline status.• Users can submit jobs and receiveoutput without operator intervention.• Other HP 3000 applications runconcurrently with SNA NRJE.• SNA NRJE can share an SNA link withother HP SNA service products.• Customizable error and help messagefacilities are provided.• Host console commands can be sentand host console data can be received.• Data compression and character codetranslation are configurable.• SNA NRJE and SNA Link supportcommunications at up to 56 KB/s onMPE V and 16 MB/s on MPE/iX.• SNA NRJE can take advantage ofSNA/SDLC Link’s Auto-dial capability.IBM Host ProcessorCommunicationsControllerMVS/SPJES2 or JES3ACF/VTAMVSEVSE/POWERACF/VTAMIBM 8100DPPX/RJEor00 PCL READYPrintersMagtapesDisks RJE ConsoleCard ReadersPrintersCard ReadersTerminalsMagtapes Laser PrintersDisksHP 3000 PrinterUp to 56 Kbps for MPE/V,and 64 Kbps for MPE/iXSwitchedor LeasedHP 3000 V or iXSNA NRJEand SNA LinkModemModemModemModem9600 bps ~~ ~~~~