Section IIFigure 3-2®3-2211B SQUARE WAVE GENERATORHEWLETT PACKARDKe)|FREQUENCY (Hz)100LINEPUSH ON/OFF SYNC.INPUT(i2) W)LINE switch. Controls AC power to instrumentand indicates "on" position by glowing red.FREQUENCY dial. Provides continuous cal-ibrated control of the output frequency within therange determined by the MULTIPLIER setting.FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER switch. Selects theoperating range of the FREQUENCY dial.SYMMETRY control. Provides adjustment of dutycycle of output pulses.AMPLITUDE selector switch. Selects amplituderange of the 502 output pulse.AMPLITUDE VERNIER control. Provides contin-uous adjustment of the 502 output pulse betweensettings of the AMPLITUDE selector switch.Maximum CW position gives at least the voltageshown on the AMPLITUDE selector switch.Figure 3-2SYMMETRYMULTIPLIERIK0 _j-TRIGGEROUTPUTModel 211BAMPLITUDE(VACROSS 50.0;AMPLITUDE VERNIEROUTPUT OUTPUT600n 530260) @) @OUTPUT -50 connector.pulse.Supplies 502 outputAMPLITUDE control. Provides uncalibratedcontrol of 600Q output amplitude.C* [TPUT-6002 connector. Supplies 6002 outputpulse.TRIGGER POLARITY switch. Selects either pos-itive or negative TRIGGER OUTPUT pulse.TRIGGER OUTPUT connector. Supplies triggeroutput pulse.SYNC INPUT connector. Input connector forexternal synchronizing signals.Front Panel Description