SPECIFICATIONSFREQUENCYRANGE:CALIBRATION:CALIBRATIONACCURACY:FREQUENCYSTABILITY:OUTPUT:FREQUENCYRESPONSE:DISTORTION:XUM LEVEL:OUTPUT METER:OUTPUTATTENUATORS:POWER SUPPLY:DIMENS IONS :WEIGHT:ACCESSORIESA V A I U B L E :20 c p s to 20 kc i n 3 ranges.Directly i n c y c l e s f o r the lowest r a n g e , f r o m 20 to 200 cps.X10 and XlOO multiplier provided f o r higher ranges. E a c hrange c o v e r s approximately 270 d e g r e e s of. the 6" dial.f270 including w a r m - u p drift.f 1 5 dbm ( 0 dbm - 1 mw) into impedance of 50, 150 and 600ohms. Approximately 10 volts open circuit. Output i sc e n t e r tapped and balanced to ground. I n t e r n a l impedancem a t c h e s load impedance.B e t t e r than f0. 2 db, 30 c p s to 15 kc, with output m e t e rkept a t constant level (Ref: 1 kc).L e s s than 0. 170 a t frequencies above 50 cps a n d l e s s than0. 2570 f r o m 20 c p s to 50 cps.At l e a s t 75 db below the output s i g n a l o r m o r e than 100 dbbelow z e r o level, whichever i s the l a r g e r .C a l i b r a t e d i n dbm ( 0 dbm = 1 mw) and a l s o i n volts a t 600ohm level. Readability a t l e a s t 0. 2 db a t all points above5070 s c a l e reading.111 db i n 0. 1 db s t e p s . A c c u r a c y approximately 0. 1 db.1151230 volts +1070, 501 1,000 c p s , 140 watts.Cabinet Mount: 12-3/4" high, 20-3/4" wide, 14" deep.R a c k Mount: 10-1 12" high, 19" wide, 13-318" deepbehind panel.Cabinet Mount: Net 57 lbs. Shipping 78 lbs.Rack Mount: Net 50 lbs. Shipping 72 lbs.Model AC -16A Cable Assembly, two dual banana plugs.Model AC-16B Cable Assembly, dual banana plug to BNC.