Programming Key Index 207File name: hp 12c_user's guide_English_HDPMBF12E44 Page: 207 of 209Printered Date: 2005/7/29 Dimension: 14.8 cm x 21 cmProgram Mode Run ModeActive Keys:i Go to. Followed by adecimal point and atwo-digit number, positionscalculator to that line inprogram memory. Noinstructions are executed(page 95)Ç Single step. Displaysline number and contentsof next program memoryline. If held down,displays line number andcontents of all programmemory lines, one at atime (page 92).Ü Back step. Displaysline number and contentsof previous programmemory line. When backstepped from line 00,goes to end of programmemory as defined bygN. If held down,displays line number andcontents of all programmemory lines, one at atime (page 95).Pressed fromkeyboard:t Run/Stop. Beginsexecution of a storedprogram. Stopsexecution if program isrunning (page 89).i Go to. Followed bya two-digit number,positions calculator tothat line in programmemory. No instructionsare executed(page 103).Ç Single step.Displays line numberand keycode of currentprogram memory linewhen pressed; executesinstruction, displaysresult, and moves tonext line when released(page 96).Ü Back step. Displaysline number andkeycode of previousprogram memory linewhen pressed; displaysoriginal contents ofX-register whenreleased. Noinstructions areexecuted (page 97).Any key. Pressing anykey on the keyboardstops execution of aprogram (page 102)Executed as arecorded programinstruction:t Run/Stop. Stopsprogram execution(page 101).i Go to. Followed bya two-digit number,causes calculator tobranch to the specifiedline number next, andresumes programexecution from there(page 103).u Pause. Stopsprogram execution forabout 1 second anddisplays contents ofX-register, then resumesprogram execution(page 97).om Conditional.o tests number inX-register against that inY-register. m testsnumber in X-registeragainst zero. If true,calculator continuesexecution at nextprogram memory line. Iffalse, calculator skipsnext line beforeresuming execution(page 107)