148To remove inactive software images, execute one of the following commands as appropriate in userview:Task CommandRemove inactive software images. (In standalonemode.) install remove [ slot slot-number ] { package | inactive }Remove inactive software images. (In IRF mode.) install remove [ chassis chassis-number slot slot-number ]{ package | inactive }Displaying and maintaining ISSUExecute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.In standalone mode:Task CommandDisplay active software images. display install active [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]Display inactive software images. display install inactive [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]Display main startup software images. display install committed [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]Display backup startup software images. display install backup [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]Display ongoing ISSU activate, deactivate,and rollback operations. display install jobDisplay ISSU logs. display install log [ log-id ] [ verbose ]Display software image file information. display install package { filename | all } [ verbose ]Display the software images included in an IPEfile. display install ipe-info ipe-fileDisplay rollback point information. display install rollback [ point-id ]Display all software image files that include aspecific component or file.display install which { component name | file filename } [ slotslot-number ]Clear ISSU logs. reset install log-history oldest log-numberClear ISSU rollback points. reset install rollback oldest point-idIn IRF mode:Task CommandDisplay active software images. display install active [ chassis chassis-number slotslot-number ] [ verbose ]Display inactive software images. display install inactive [ chassis chassis-number slotslot-number ] [ verbose ]Display main startup software images. display install committed [ chassis chassis-number slotslot-number ] [ verbose ]Display backup startup software images. display install backup [ chassis chassis-number slotslot-number ] [ verbose ]