$JLOHQW7HFKQRORJLHV,QF(0LVVLRQ/LEHUW\/DNH:$ZZZDJLOHQWFRP-XQHDear Customer,As of November 1, 1999, four of Hewlett-Packard’s businesses, test and measurement,semiconductor products, health care solutions, and chemical analysis became a new company,Agilent Technologies. Now, many of your Hewlett-Packard products and services are in the care ofAgilent Technologies.At Agilent Technologies, we are working diligently to make this transition as smooth as possible foryou. However, as a result of this transition, the products and related documentation contained in thisshipment may be labeled with either the Hewlett-Packard name and logo, the Agilent Technologiesname and logo, or a combination of both. Information in this package may refer to Hewlett-Packard(HP), but applies to your Agilent Technologies product. Hewlett-Packard and Agilent brandedproducts with the same model number are interchangeable.Whatever logo you see, the information, products, and services come from the same reliable source.If you have questions about Agilent Technologies products and services, please visit our website athttp://www.agilent.com.6LQFHUHO\5HEUDQGLQJ7HDP