OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUALHP 11729BCARRIERNOISETESTSET(Including Options003,007,011,015,019,023,027,130 and140)SERIAL NUMBERSThis manual applies directly to instruments withserial numbers prefixed 2435A.With changes described in Section VII, this man-ual also applies to instruments with serial numbersprefixed 2329A, 2345A, 2412A and 2428A.For additional important information about serialnumbers, see INSTRUMENTS COVERED BYTHIS MANUAL in Section I.Use Appendix A and B for Instruments formerlyknown as HP 117298 Low Noise Down Converters.Appendix A contains the necessarybackdatinginformation to usethis manual with all HP 11729BLow Noise Down Convertersprefixed2319Aandbelow.Appendix B containsan explanationof the H andK Optionsusedin orderingHP 11729BLow NoiseDown Converters.HEWLETTPACKARO@ Copyright HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 19841501 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA. U.S.A.OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUAL PART NUMBER: 11729-90015MICROFICHE PART NUMBER: 11729-90016 PrInted: NOVEMBER 1984