2Battery• Keep battery out of reach of children. If a battery isswallowed, seek urgent medical advice.• Do not charge, attempt to disable, short circuit, orapply heat to the battery.• When installing a new battery, orient it such that thepositive sign is facing upwards.• Use only the battery specified in this manual.Disposing of the Calculator• Do not dispose of this calculator in an incinerator. Itmight explode and cause injury or fire.Other Precautions• Before using this calculator for the first time, pressthe key.• The battery may lose some charge between thetime the calculator leaves the factory and the timewhen it is purchased. Thus the original battery maynot last as long as a new battery.• When battery power is very low, the calculator’smemory may become corrupted or be lostcompletely. To avoid loss of important information,keep a copy of it elsewhere.• Avoid storing or using the calculator under extremeconditions.Low temperature will slow the calculator'sresponse time, cause the display to appearincomplete, and shorten the life of the battery. Inaddition, do not directly expose the calculator tothe sun or place near a heater. High temperature