InverseAssemblyOperationThe HP 10343B inverse assemblers are designed to decode commands,messages, phases, and status conditions for 8-Bit Single-Ended andDifferential SCSI Bus systems. Rolling the screen up will inverseassemble the lines as they appear on the bottom of the screen. If you jumpto another area of the screen by entering a new line number, simply rollthe screen up to inverse assemble that block of memory.NoteEach time you inverse assemble a block of memory, the analyzerwill keep that block in the inverse assembled condition. You caninverse assemble several different blocks in the analyzer memory,but the activity between those blocks will not be inverseassembled.Also, blocks may not be correctly inverse assembled if you rollthe screen down, scrolling information from the top of the screento the bottom. To correctly inverse assemble these blocks, simplymove the first line of interest off the bottom of the screen and rollthe screen up.Each line of the inverse assembler listing is identified by type: Command,Status, etc. Figure 3-1 shows an example of an HP 10343B inverseassembly listing.HP 10343B Inverse Assemblers3-16