&RQ¿JXUDWLRQVPD\YDU\&DEOHVDGDSWRUVPRQLWRUVDQGVSHDNHUVPD\EHVROGVHSDUDWHO\5RXWHUVDQG,QWHUQHWUHTXLUHGDre sold separately.Safety InformationFor more information, refer to the Safety and Regulatory Information document in the User Guides folder. Click Start, All Programs,and then click User Guides.WARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock or damage to your equipment:'RQRWGLVDEOHWKHSRZHUFRUGJURXQGLQJSOXJ7KHJURXQGLQJSOXJLVDQLPSRUWDQWVDIHW\IHDWXUH3OXJWKHSRZHU cord in a grounded (earthed) outlet that is easily accessible at all times.'LVFRQQHFWSRZHUIURPWKHHTXLSPHQWE\XQSOXJJLQJWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPWKHHOHFWULFDORXWOHW7RSUHYHQWGLUHFWH[SRVXUHWRODVHUEHDPGRQRWWU\WRRSHQWKHHQFORVXUHRIWKHCD or DVD drives.WARNING: The computer may be heavy; be sure to use ergonomically correct lifting procedures when moving the computer.WARNING: To reduce the risk of serious injury read the Safety & Comfort Guide. The guide is located on the Web athttp://www.hp.com/ergoEND-USER LICENSE AGREEMENTBY INSTALLING, COPYING, DOWNLOADING, OR OTHERWISE USING ANY SOFTWARE PRODUCT PRE-INSTALLED ONTHIS PC, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THE HP EULA. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE LICENSE TERMS,YOUR SOLE REMEDY IS TO RETURN THE ENTIRE UNUSED PRODUCT (HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE) WITHIN 14 DAYS FORA REFUND SUBJECT TO THE REFUND POLICY OF YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE. For any further information or for requestinga full refund of the PC, please contact your local point of sale (the seller).You can ¿nd the expressly provided HP Limited Warranty applicable to your product in the start menu on your PC and/orin the CD/DVD provided in the box. For some countries/regions a printed HP Limited Warranty is provided in the box.In countries/regions where the warranty is not provided in printed format, you may request a printed copy fromhp.com/go/orderdocuments or write to HP at: Hewlett Packard, POD, Via G. Di Vittorio, 9, 20063, Cernusco s/Naviglio (MI),Italy. Please include your product name, warranty period, name and postal address.3