HP 00041-15043 Owner's Manual
30 Section 3: Reference SectionF. Buffer ComparisonsAll of these comparison functions act just like the comparison functions in the HP-41. If the question beingasked is true, the display will contain YES, or execution will continue with the next step. If the question isfalse, the display will contain NO, or execution will continue after skipping a step.X=BUF? Compare X to bytes in bufferDescription: Compares the X-register to the buffer. If X contains a number, the integer part is used. Thenumber of bytes needed to represent X will be compared to a like number of bytes in the buffer starting atthe pointer. If X contains a string, leading nulls will be ignored.Input: The X-register is a number or string.Output: YES or NO.A=BUFX? Compare X bytes from ALPHA to the bufferDescription: Compares X bytes of the ALPHA register to the buffer starting at the buffer pointer. If the X-register is greater than the length of the ALPHA register, then A=BUFX? is identical to A=BUF? . Null bytesare ignored.Input: The X-register contains the count of bytes, ALPHA register contains the data to be compared.Output: YES or NO.A=BUF? Compare ALPHA register to the bufferDescription: Compares the contents of the ALPHA register to the contents of the buffer starting at thebuffer pointer. The number of bytes compared is equal to the number of characters in the ALPHA register.Leading null bytes in the ALPHA register are ignored. If the ALPHA register is empty, the test returns NO.Input: The ALPHA register contains a string.Output: YES or NO.RG=BUF? Compare registers to buffer using XDescription: The contents of the X-register is taken as a register index in the form bbb.eee. The block ofregisters will be compared with the same number of bytes in the buffer starting from the buffer pointer.Each register contains seven bytes. The comparison is done on a byte by byte basis. No conversion is per-formed.Input: X contains the register index; the buffer.Output: YES or NO.Warnings: Do not RCL or VIEW any of these registers, because these functions normalize the number andstore it back in the register. If the data that was in the register doesn’t look like a normalized number, it willbe changed. |
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