23Operation2.6 Function faultsThe following applies when lo-cating and clearing faults:Switch the vehicle off, removethe key from the key switch!2.6.1 Service code tableIn the case of system errors, a four-digiterror code appears in the left-hand op-erating panel in addition to the serviceindicator (wrench symbol). The dots inthe service code flash.Clear the fault or note down the servicecode and inform your authorized Hakodealer. When the cause has beencleared, the error must be acknowl-edged by switching the key switch OFF/ON.Error code Cause Solution2.2.5.1. Rotary brush motor too hot: Sweeping pattern is toolarge, foreign bodies in the rotary brushAdjust the sweeping pattern, remove foreign bodies2.2.6.1. Rotary brush stops, engine is switched off, sweep-ing is switched off: Foreign bodies, tape or such isblocking the rotary brush, motor is briefly overloadedCheck the rotary brush for foreign bodies and removeany, check sweeping pattern2.3.5.1. Side brush motor, left/right, is too hot: Brush applica-tion area too large, foreign bodies (such as tape)tangled in the side brushAdjust the brush application area, check side brush forforeign bodies2. brush, left/right ( stops, motoris switched off: Foreign bodies (such as tape) tan-gled in the side brush, engine is briefly overloaded(in case of strong side pressure, e.g. against curb,wall etc. an acoustic signal is issued and the sidebrush motor is switched off briefly; if this occursthree times, the side brush motor and holdingattachment are switched off)Check the side brush for foreign bodies and removethem, check ground contact pattern