3-57Timeslot 0 on E1-F interfaces is used for synchronization. Therefore, a bundling operation only involvestimeslots 1 through 31.When the E1-F interface is working in unframed mode, the fe1 timeslot-list command is invalid.Related commands: fe1 unframed.Examples# Bundle timeslots 1, 2, 5, 10 through 15, and 18 on E1-F interface Serial 2/0/0. system-view[Sysname] interface serial 2/0/0[Sysname-Serial2/0/0] fe1 timeslot-list 1,2,5,10-15,18fe1 unframedSyntaxfe1 unframedundo fe1 unframedViewE1-F interface viewDefault Level2: System levelParametersNoneDescriptionUse the fe1 unframed command to configure the E1-F interface to work in unframed mode.Use the undo fe1 unframed command to configure the E1-F interface to work in framed mode.By default, the E1-F interface works in framed mode.When the E1-F interface is working in unframed mode, it is a 2048 kbps interface without timeslotdivision and is logically equivalent to a synchronous serial interface.When it works in framed mode, it is physically divided into 32 timeslots numbered 0 through 31, wheretimeslot 0 is used for synchronization.Related command: fe1 timeslot-list.Examples# Set E1-F interface Serial 2/0/0 to work in unframed mode. system-view[Sysname] interface serial 2/0/0[Sysname-Serial2/0/0] fe1 unframed