Adjust the TONE and VOLUME buttons to fit thelevels to your own hearing requirements.2 - SENDING VOLUME LEVEL ADJUSTMENTIf your voice is quiet or called parties have difficultyhearing you, you can increase the sending levelvolume with the switch located on the upper side.You can also decrease the sending volume ifrequired. Min Normal MaxiTONE AND VOLUME ADJUSTMENT10TONEBass+10db maxTreble+10db maxNormalVOLUME0dB+30db max30dB ON15dB OFF15dBTONE AND VOLUME ADJUSTMENT1-RECEIVING VOLUME AND TONEADJUSTMENTYou can adjust the receiving volume and toneaccording to your own hearing requirements.The button allows extra volume and tonefunctions to be activated or deactivated during theconversation.Tone and volume adjustment (15dB to 30dB) isonly activated when the switch located at theupper side of your phone is set to ON. When thisbutton is set to OFF only the volume can be adjustedfrom 0dB to 15dB.When the function is activated, the red light of extrareceiving and tone function button is lit.Note: When the tone (treble), earpiece volume andsending levels are set to the maximum, whistlingmay occur. If whistling occurs the sending levelsettings should be decreased with the switch .11Now available to purchase from www.M2Cshop.comNow available to purchase from