CHAPTER 2: Checking Out Your Convertible Notebook www.gateway.com14Starting your convertible notebookWarningDo not work for long periods with theconvertible notebook resting on your lap.If the air vents are blocked, theconvertible notebook may become hotenough to harm your skin.CautionProvide adequate space around yourconvertible notebook so air vents are notobstructed. Do not use the convertiblenotebook on a bed, sofa, rug, or othersimilar surface.ImportantIf your convertible notebook does notturn on, make sure the Power Button Lockis in the unlocked position. For moreinformation, see “Keyboard area” onpage 10.Tips & TricksFor more information about changingthe power button mode, see “ChangingPower-Saving Settings” in the online UserGuide.To start your convertible notebook:1 Press the latch on the front of your convertible notebook, then lift the LCDpanel.2 Press the power button located on the LCD panel.3 If you are starting your convertible notebook for the first time, follow theon-screen instructions to set up your convertible notebook.Waking up your convertible notebookTips & TricksFor more information about Standbymode, see “Changing power modes” inthe online User Guide.When you have not used your convertible notebook for several minutes or ifyou close the LCD panel without turning off your convertible notebook, it mayenter a power-saving mode called Standby. While in Standby, the powerindicator flashes. If your convertible notebook is in Standby mode, press thepower button to “wake” it up.Turning off your convertible notebookImportantIf for some reason you cannot use theTurn Off Computer option in Windows toturn off your convertible notebook, pressand hold the power button for about fiveseconds, then release it.ImportantIf the Pen Lost Alarm is turned on, and youturn off the convertible notebook withoutreturning the pen to the pen holder, youwill hear three beeps. This is to remindyou to replace the pen. For moreinformation about the Pen Lost Alarm,see “Pen lost alarm” on page 26.To turn off your convertible notebook:1 Tap or click Start, then tap or click Turn Off Computer. The Turn OffComputer dialog box opens.2 Tap or click Turn Off. Windows shuts down and turns off your convertiblenotebook.