www.gateway.com13Using advanced search optionsSearch can find files meeting more criteria than file name. You can narrow your search by selectingthe search options that you want. You can search by the:• Name or part of a name• Creation date• Modification date• File type• Tag• Author• Text contained in the file• Time period in which it was created or modifiedYou can also combine search criteria to refine searches.Files and folders found using this utility can be opened, copied, cut, renamed, or deleted directlyfrom the list in the results window.Browsing for files and foldersA file or folder that you need is rarely right on top of your Windows desktop. It is usually on adrive inside a folder that may be inside yet another folder, and so on.Windows drives, folders, and files are organized in the same way as a real file cabinet in that theymay have many levels (usually many more levels than a file cabinet, in fact). So you usually willhave to search through levels of folders to find the file or folder that you need. This is calledbrowsing.To browse for a file:1 Click (Start), then click Computer. The Computer window opens.2 Double-click the drive or folder that you think contains the file or folder that you want to find.3 Continue double-clicking folders and their subfolders until you find the file or folder youwant.Working with documentsComputer documents include word processing files, spreadsheet files, or other similar files. Thebasic methods of creating, saving, opening, and printing a document apply to most of these typesof files.The following examples show how to create, save, open, and print a document using Microsoft ®WordPad. Similar procedures apply to other programs such as Corel ® WordPerfect® , MicrosoftWord, and Microsoft Excel.For more information about using a program, click Help on its menu bar.HelpFor more information about browsing for files and folders, click Start, thenclick Help and Support. Type files and folders in the Search Help box, thenpress E NTER.