Getting Started 3Inspecting the contentsUnpack the carton and inspect the contents. Standard systems include thefollowing items:• Server unit• Power cables• User’s guide• Maintaining and troubleshooting guide• Utilities• Enhanced keyboardCheck the packing list to ensure that all equipment and associated manualsare included in your shipment. Inspect everything carefully.Setting up the serverRefer to Figure 1 and the following procedures when connecting optionalperipherals to your system.Figure 1: Connecting PeripheralsImportant!/IIT XLI TVSHYGX GEVXSRERH JSEQ TEGOMRK MR GEWI]SY LEZI XS WLMT XLI W]WXIQ-J ]SY VIXYVR XLI W]WXIQ MRHMJJIVIRX TEGOEKMRK ]SYV[EVVERX] QE] FI ZSMHIHImportant!7LMIPHIH GEFPIW EVI VIUYMVIHF] XLI *''