290Chapter 17: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comTrainingGateway provides the following in-person and computerized training:Resource Service description For more informationIn-Store Training atGateway storesOur friendly and knowledgeable softwaretrainers can teach you how to use theInternet and the most popular softwareprograms, including Microsoft Word, Excel,and PowerPoint.www.gateway.com/countryGateway LearningLibrariesA variety of courses and tutorials areavailable on CD. Select from severaleasy-to-use learning libraries.www.gateway.com/trainingOnline TrainingfromLearn@GatewayMore than 450 online courses are availablefrom Learn@Gateway. All you have to do isgo online and log in. You select the subjectmatter, and the learning format (self-pacedtutorials or virtual classrooms), all from thecomfort of your notebook.www.learnatgateway.com/