nüvi 5000 Owner’s Manual 5cUStoMizinG the nüVinote: If your traffic receiverhas a trial subscription, it doesnot need to be activated andyou do not need to purchasea subscription until the trialsubscription expires.North American OptionsYour FM traffic subscriptions andexpiration dates are listed. Touch add toadd a subscription.Non-North American Optionsauto—select which provider to use.Select auto to use the best provider forthe area, or select a specific provider touse.Search—search for additional TMCtraffic providers. To increase the searchtime, touch Yes to clear provider table.Subscriptions—view your FM trafficsubscriptions and expiration dates. Touchadd to add a subscription.Adding a SubscriptionYou can purchase additionalsubscriptions or a renewal if yoursubscription expires. Go to the GarminFM Traffic Web site at www.garmin.com/fmtraffic.note: You do not need toactivate the subscription includedwith your FM traffic receiver (if itcame with one). The subscriptionactivates automatically after yournüvi acquires satellite signalswhile receiving traffic signalsfrom the service provider.1. From the Menu page, touch Tools> Settings > Traffic.2. For Non-North American units,touch Subscriptions > Add. ForNorth American units, touch Add.3. Write down the FM trafficreceiver’s unit ID.4. Go to www.garmin.com/fmtraffic topurchase a subscription and get a25-character code.