You can view Garmin Quickdraw Contours in a combinationscreen or as a single view on the map.When you record data on a memory card in your chartplotter,the new data is added to your existing Garmin QuickdrawContours map, and is saved on the memory card. When youinsert a new memory card, the existing data does not transferonto the new card.Mapping a Body of Water Using the GarminQuickdraw Contours FeatureBefore you can use the Garmin Quickdraw Contours feature,you must have a supported chartplotter with upgraded software,sonar depth, your GPS position, and a memory card with freespace.NOTE: This feature is not available on all models.1 From a chart view, select MENU > Quickdraw Contours >Start Recording.2 When recording is complete, select Stop Recording.3 Select Manage > Name, and enter a name for the map.Adding a Label to a Garmin Quickdraw Contours MapYou can add labels to a Garmin Quickdraw Contours map tomark hazards or points of interest.1 Select a location.2 Select SELECT > Add Quickdraw Label.3 Enter text for the label, and select Done.Garmin Quickdraw Contours SettingsFrom the chart, select MENU > Quickdraw Contours >Settings.Recording Offset: Sets the distance between the sonar depthand the contour recording depth. For example, a sonar depthof 3.6 m (12 ft.) with a recording offset of -0.5 m (-1.5 ft.)creates contours at a depth of 3.1 m (10.5 ft.).Display Offset: Sets differences in contour depths and depthlabels on a Garmin Quickdraw Contours map to compensatefor changes in the water level of a body of water, or for deptherrors in recorded maps.Survey Coloring: Sets the color of the Garmin QuickdrawContours display. When the setting is turned on, successfullyrecorded areas appear green, and unsuccessfully recordedareas appear red. When the setting is turned off, the contourareas use standard map colors.Automatic Identification SystemThe Automatic Identification System (AIS) enables you toidentify and track other vessels, and alerts you to area traffic.When connected to an external AIS device, the chartplotter canshow some AIS information about other vessels that are withinrange, that are equipped with a transponder, and that areactively transmitting AIS information.The information reported for each vessel includes the MaritimeMobile Service Identity (MMSI), location, GPS speed, GPSheading, time that has elapsed since the last position of thevessel was reported, nearest approach, and time to the nearestapproach.Some chartplotter models also support Blue Force Tracking.Vessels being tracked with Blue Force Tracking are indicated onthe chartplotter with a blue-green color.AIS Targeting SymbolsSymbol DescriptionAIS vessel. The vessel is reporting AIS information. Thedirection in which the triangle is pointing indicates thedirection in which the AIS vessel is moving.Target is selected.Symbol DescriptionTarget is activated. The target appears larger on the chart. Agreen line attached to the target indicates the heading of thetarget. The MMSI, speed, and direction of the vessel appearbeneath the target, if the details setting has been set to Show.If the AIS transmission from the vessel is lost, a messagebanner appears.Target is lost. A green X indicates that the AIS transmissionfrom the vessel is lost, and the chartplotter displays amessage banner asking whether the vessel should continueto be tracked. If you discontinue vessel tracking, the losttarget symbol disappears from the chart or the 3D chart view.Dangerous target in range. The target flashes while an alarmsounds and a message banner appears. After the alarm hasbeen acknowledged, a solid red triangle with a red lineattached to it indicates the location and the heading of thetarget. If the safe-zone collision alarm has been set to Off, thetarget flashes, but the audible alarm does not sound and thealarm banner does not appear. If the AIS transmission fromthe vessel is lost, a message banner appears.Dangerous target is lost. A red X indicates that the AIStransmission from the vessel is lost, and the chartplotterdisplays a message banner asking whether the vessel shouldcontinue to be tracked. If you discontinue vessel tracking, thelost dangerous target symbol disappears from the chart or the3D chart view.The location of this symbol indicates the closest point ofapproach to a dangerous target, and the numbers near thesymbol indicate the time to the closest point of approach tothat target.NOTE: Vessels being tracked with the Blue Force Trackingfeature are indicated with a blue-green color regardless of theirstatus.Heading and Projected Course of Activated AISTargetsWhen heading and course over ground information are providedby an activated AIS target, the heading of the target appears ona chart as a solid line attached to the AIS target symbol. Aheading line does not appear on a 3D chart view.The projected course of an activated AIS target appears as adashed line on a chart or a 3D chart view. The length of theprojected course line is based on the value of the projectedheading setting. If an activated AIS target is not transmittingspeed information, or if the vessel is not moving, a projectedcourse line does not appear. Changes in the speed, course overground, or rate of turn information transmitted by the vessel canimpact the calculation of the projected course line.When course over ground, heading, and rate of turn informationare provided by an activated AIS target, the projected course ofthe target is calculated based on the course over ground and therate of turn information. The direction in which the target isturning, which is also based on the rate of turn information, isindicated by the direction of the barb at the end of the headingline. The length of the barb does not change.When course over ground and heading information are providedby an activated AIS target, but rate of turn information is notprovided, the projected course of the target is calculated basedon the course over ground information.Showing AIS Vessels on a Chart or 3D Chart ViewBefore you can use AIS, you must connect the chartplotter to anexternal AIS device and receive active transponder signals fromother vessels.You can configure how other vessels appear on a chart or on a3D chart view. The display range configured for one chart or one3D chart view are applied only to that chart or to that 3D chartCharts and 3D Chart Views 5