the destination. The path may run over land and otherobstacles.Route To: Creates a route from your location to a destination,allowing you to add turns along the way. This option providesa straight line course to the destination, but allows you to addturns into the route that avoid land and other obstacles.Auto Guidance: Creates a path to a destination using AutoGuidance. This option is available only when using acompatible premium chart in a compatible chartplotter. Itprovides a turn-by-turn navigation line to the destination,avoiding land and other obstacles. The navigation line isbased on the chart data and the safe depth, safe height, andshoreline distance user-defined chartplotter settings. Usingthese settings and chart data, the chartplotter creates anavigation line that avoids all areas that cannot be navigatedbetween the present location and the destination. When youare using a compatible Garmin autopilot connected to thechartplotter using NMEA 2000, the autopilot follows the AutoGuidance route.Setting and Following a Direct Course Using Go ToCAUTIONWhen using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course maypass over land or shallow water. Use visual sightings, and steerto avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.You can set and follow a direct course from your current locationto a selected destination.1 Select a destination (Destinations, page 10).2 Select Navigate To > Go To.A magenta line appears. In the center of the magenta line isa thinner purple line that represents the corrected coursefrom your current location to the destination. The correctedcourse is dynamic, and it moves with your boat when you areoff course.3 Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallowwater, and other obstacles.4 If you are off course, follow the purple line (corrected course)to go to your destination, or steer back to the magenta line(direct course).Stopping NavigationFrom the Navigation chart or Fishing chart, select MENU >Stop Navigation.WaypointsWaypoints are locations you record and store in the device.Waypoints can mark where you are, where you are going, orwhere you have been. You can add details about the location,such as name, elevation, and depth.Marking Your Present Location as a WaypointFrom any screen, select MARK.Creating a Waypoint at a Different Location1 Select User Data > Waypoints > New Waypoint.2 Select an option:• To create the waypoint by entering position coordinates,select Enter Coordinates, and enter the coordinates.• To create the waypoint using a chart, select Use Chart,select the location, and select SELECT.Marking an MOB or SOS LocationFrom the Home screen, select Man Overboard > Yes.An international man overboard (MOB) symbol marks the activeMOB point and the chartplotter sets a direct course back to themarked location.Viewing a List of all WaypointsSelect User Data > Waypoints.Editing a Saved Waypoint1 Select User Data > Waypoints.2 Select a waypoint.3 Select Edit Waypoint.4 Select an option:• To add a name, select Name, and enter a name.• To change the symbol, select Symbol.• To change the depth, select Depth.• To change the water temperature, select Water Temp..• To change the comment, select Comment.• To move the position of the waypoint, select Move.Browsing for and Navigating to a Saved WaypointCAUTIONThe Auto Guidance feature is based on electronic chartinformation. That data does not ensure obstacle and bottomclearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings,and avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that maybe in your path.When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course maypass over land or shallow water. Use visual sightings, and steerto avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.NOTE: Auto Guidance is available with premium charts, in someareas.Before you can navigate to a waypoint, you must create awaypoint.1 Select User Data > Waypoints.2 Select a waypoint.3 Select Navigate To.4 Select an option:• To navigate directly to the location, select Go To.• To create a route to the location, including turns, selectRoute To.• To use Auto Guidance, select Auto Guidance.5 Review the course indicated by the magenta line.NOTE: When using Auto Guidance, a gray segment withinany part of the magenta line indicates that Auto Guidancecannot calculate part of the Auto Guidance line. This is due tothe settings for minimum safe water depth and minimum safeobstacle height.6 Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallowwater, and other obstacles.Deleting a Waypoint or an MOB1 Select User Data > Waypoints.2 Select a waypoint or an MOB.3 Select Delete.Deleting All WaypointsSelect User Data > Manage Data > Clear User Data >Waypoints > All.RoutesA route is a sequence of waypoints or locations that leads you toyour final destination.Creating and Navigating a Route From Your PresentLocationYou can create and immediately navigate a route on theNavigation chart or the Fishing chart. This procedure does notsave the route or the waypoint data.Navigation with a Chartplotter 11