17The destination name, distance to the destination andtime to reach your destination are displayed at the topof the screen. The speed you are traveling is shown atthe bottom of the screen. When you are nearing to yourdestination, the eTrex will display the message “ARRIV-ING DESTINATION”.Cancelling A GOTOAnytime you want to stop a GOTO:1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘NAVIGA-TION’ Page. Press ENTER.2. Highlight ‘STOP NAVIGATION’ on the ‘OPTIONS’Page and press ENTER.Clearing a Cluttered Map DisplayAfter you’ve used the eTrex for a few trips, the mapdisplay will become a bit messy from keeping track ofyour movements. You can clean up the screen by clearingthe track log (the lines left on the Map Page):To clear the track log:1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘MENU’Page.2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight‘TRACKS’.3. Press ENTER. You are now on the ‘TRACK LOG’Page. Use the UP Button and highlight ‘CLEAR’.Press ENTER.4. Use the DOWN Button and highlight ‘YES’. PressENTER. Press the PAGE Button to select anypage.You’ve now gone through the basic operation of theeTrex and you’re ready to navigate! To turn the eTrex off,press and hold the POWER Button.Highlight STOPNAVIGATION and pressENTER on the OptionsPage to stop a GOTO.Getting StartedYou’ve Made It!Clear the Track Logwhen the Map Pagegets too cluttered.