Garmin aera 500 Series Pilot’s Guide190-01117-02 Rev. Aappendix G155Overview GPS Navigation Flight Planning Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Appendices IndexaPPeNdix G: utilitieSFliGht lOGThe Flight Log shows a list of any recorded flights, including date, route of flight,and flight time. The aera saves up to 50 recorded flights. Entries on this list areautomatically created for each flight.Recording begins when your speed exceeds 30 knots and you gain 250 feet ofaltitude. If you land and groundspeed drops below 30 knots, the flight entry is savedand a new entry is recorded when you depart the airport. A touch-and-go or briefstop of less than 10 minutes appends to the current flight record, rather than startinga new entry.VIEWING THE FlIGHT lOGSelect any listed entry in the log to view additional information, including a mapdisplaying the actual path flown.Viewing details for a flight:1) From the 'Home' Screen, touch Tools > Flight log.2) Touch the desired flight log. Route, date, hours, distance, and the flightpath are displayed.Flight log