index c580 Owner’s Manualcoverage areas 19MSN Direct menu 20service 6, 19, 20mute a call 16myGarmin iNnavigation settings 29Next Turn page 13Oon-screen keyboard 9Ppair a mobile phone 15phone book 16PINBluetooth 30Garmin Lock 6playlist 25play music 25POIs, custom 32position icon 12, 26postal code 7proximity alarms 32Rrecently foundlocations 9delete 9find 9register your c580 viremove the mount 2renew MSNsubscription 20resetthe max speed 13the trip data 13your c580 35restore settings 30routing preferences 29Ssafety cameradatabase 32Safe Mode 27safety cameras 32satellite signals 3saveplaces you find 7, 10your currentlocation 10, 11SaversGuide 31school zone database 32SD card 23, 36security location 6service for MSN Directactivate 6, 19renew 20settings, adjust 26–30set your location 7, 11show map 7SMS 18software licenseagreement 38software version 27special characters 9specifications 36spell the name of aplace 8stop the USB 24store your c580 visupported file types 23switch to call waiting 16system settings 27Ttechnicalspecifications 36text language 28text message 18theaters, movies 22time zone 28tones 29touch screenalign 37clean viTourGuide 33Track Up 26traffic 20avoid 20, 29delay 20flow 21in your area 20transfer files 23–24Trip Informationpage 13troubleshooting 37turn-by-turndirections 13Uunit ID 27unit locked up 35update the c580software 31USB 1, 24mass storagemode 23–24troubleshooting 37Vvehicle icon 12, 26vehicle type 29voice dial 18voice language 28voice mail 15volume 5, 30WWAAS 27warranty 43weather 21WebUpdater 31Zzoom 11