EN-iv StreetPilot 2720 Owner’s ManualPrefaceEnglishFailure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations mayresult in injury or property damage.The unit is designed to provide you with route suggestions. It does notreflect road closures or road conditions, traffic congestion, weatherconditions, or other factors that may affect safety or timing whiledriving.Use the unit only as a navigational aid. Do not attempt to use the unitfor any purpose requiring precise measurement of direction, distance,location, or topography. This product should not be used to determineground proximity for aircraft navigation.The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the UnitedStates government, which is solely responsible for its accuracy andmaintenance. The government’s system is subject to changes whichcould affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment,including the unit. Although the unit is a precision navigation device,any navigation device can be misused or misinterpreted and, therefore,become unsafe.The unit has no user-serviceable parts. If you ever have a problem withyour unit, take it to an authorized Garmin dealer for repairs.The unit is fastened shut with screws. Any attempt to open the case tochange or modify the unit in any way voids your warranty and mayresult in permanent damage to the equipment.CautionThis manual uses the term caution to indicate a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor injury or property damage. Itmay also be used without the symbol to alert you to avoid unsafe practices.Important Informationmap data inFormation: One of the goals of Garmin is to provide customers with the most complete and accurate cartography that is available tous at a reasonable cost. We use a combination of governmental and private data sources, which we identify in product literature and copyright messagesdisplayed to the consumer. Virtually all data sources contain inaccurate or incomplete data to some extent. In some countries, complete and accurate mapinformation is either not available or is prohibitively expensive.The california electronic Waste recycling act of 2003 requires the recycling of certain electronics. For more information on the applicability to thisproduct, see www.erecycle.org.