System SetupThe first setup page is the system setup page, which isused to select the operating mode, time offset and screenpreferences. The GPS 45XL has three operating modes:• Normal Mode operates the unit at maximum perfor-mance, and provides a battery of life up to 12 hourson alkaline batteries.• Battery Saver Mode is suitable for most applica-tions, and extends battery life to up to 20 hours onalkaline batteries by reducing the receiver’s updaterate when navigational conditions permit (e.g., you’retravelling a steady course without constant speed orheading variations). Since battery saver mode changesthe update rate based solely on navigational condi-tions, the battery life will vary accordingly.• Simulator Mode allows you to operate the unit with-out acquiring satellites, and is ideal for practicing orentering waypoints and routes while at home.To select an operating mode:1. Highlight the ‘MODE’ field and press E.2. Use the arrow keypad to select a mode and press E.Date and Time SetupThe date and time field is located directly below themode field. Because the time shown is UTC time, you willneed to enter a time offset to display the correct local timefor your area. To determine the time offset for your area,note your position and refer to the chart in appendix A.To enter the time offset:1. Highlight the ‘OFFSET’ field and press the E key.2. Enter the time offset and press E. Remember to selecta positive or negative indicator for your offset.ReferenceSystem Setup45System Setup PageSelect battery saver mode toget the best possible batterylife. Note that screen back-lighting will always have thebiggest effect on battery life,regardless of operating mode.Time OffsetTo display the correct localtime, you must enter theappropriate offset from thechart at the end ofAppendix A.