To enter the time offset:1. If you are entering a negative offset, pressthe L key to move the character highlight to the+/- field. Press U to select a negative offset.2. Press the R key to move to each character posi-tion, and use the U or D keys to enter an off-set value in each position.3. Press the E key to confirm your time offset.4. Press the P key to return to the Menu Page.Because time zone boundaries do not follow exactmeridians of longitude, there may be someinstances where the offset indicated does notresult in the correct time for your position. Simplyadd or subtract the difference from the offset forthe correct time.You’ve now gone through the basic operationof your new GPS and probably know a littlemore than you think about how it works. Weencourage you to experiment with the GPS 40until it becomes an extension of your ownnavigation skills.If you encounter any problems using the unitor want to take advantage of the GPS 40’sadvanced features, refer to the reference section.To turn the GPS 40 off:1. Press and hold the B key for 3 seconds.Thank you for choosing the GPS 40. We hope itwill be a valuable tool for you wherever you travel.If you’re storing your GPS for an extended periodof time, put in a fresh set of alkaline or lithium bat-teries. Storing the unit with Ni-Cad batteries mayresult in data loss due to the self-discharge char-acteristics of Ni-Cad batteries. 13⌃The power off count-down appears right onscreen while you holdthe power button. Thiscountdown helps pre-vent accidental shutoffand loss of data.GettingStartedTime Offsetand Power Off⌃