8-9To turn audio tones on/off...· Highlight the tone option field.· Press CLR to select the desired option.You may also adjust the contrast of the GPS 95 display to your preferences.To change the display contrast...· Highlight “Change Contrast?” and press ENT.· The contrast bar is highlighted. Press the left or right arrow key tochange the contrast level.· When the desired contrast level is reached, press ENT.The backlighting time-out determines the length of time the display andkeypad backlighting will remain on. If no keys are pressed for the specifiedtime, the backlighting will automatically shut off to conserve battery power.To set the backlighting time-out...· Highlight the backlighting time-out field.· Enter the desired time for backlighting to remain on. If you wish to havethe backlighting on at all times, enter zero.· Press ENT.8.9 TRACK LOG SETUP (SETUPS)The Track Log Setup Page is used toconfigure the track log function. Atrack log is a record of your flight pathshowing where you have been up toyour present position. The cyclic fieldson line one allow you to turn the trackstorage on or off, and determine howthe track log will be stored in memory.The track storing function may be turned on and off by highlighting the firststatus field and pressing CLR. From the next field, the track may be set to“wrap” around through available memory (deleting the oldest track informationand using the memory to store the new track position), or to “fill” availablememory and then stop. The amount of memory used at any given momentis also displayed. When available memory is filled or the track is no longer