nüvi 5000 Owner’s Manual Customizing the nüviMap info—view the maps (and mapversions) loaded on your nüvi. Touch amap to enable (check mark) or disable(no check mark) that map.restore—restore the original mapsettings.Setting the LanguagesTouch tools > Settings > Language.text Language—change all on-screentext to the selected language. Changingthe text language does not change thelanguage of user-entered data or mapdata, such as street names.Voice personality—change the languagefor voice prompts.The list of voice personalities specifieswhether the nüvi will speak street namesand locations as you approach them, orwhether it is a pre-recorded voice thathas a limited vocabulary and does notspeak street names and locations.Keyboard—select the keyboard foryour language. You can also change thekeyboard language mode by touching theMode button on any keyboard screen.restore—restore the original languagesettings.Adjusting Video InputSettingsThe nüvi supports NTSC compositevideo input. Touch tools > Settings >Video input.Switch to Video—select how the nüviswitches to video mode when an A/Vcable is connected.