Customising your devicenüvifone™ A10 owner’s manual 1113. Touch an application to viewdetails, including storagesize, cache size, defaults andpermissions.4. Select one or more options:Touch Clear data to clearstored data associated with theapplication.Touch Clear cache to clearcached data for the application.Touch Clear defaults to clearapplication defaults.Allowing the installation ofapplicationsYou can allow the installation ofapplications from outside the Android ™Market.1. From the application tray, touchSettings > Applications.2. Select the Unknown Sources tickbox.•••Display settingsFrom the application tray, touchSettings > Display.Brightness—changes thebrightness of the screen. Decreasingthe brightness can save batterypower. Auto Brightness sets thebrightness based on the ambientlighting.Colour Mode—sets a lightbackground (Daytime), a darkbackground (Night-time), orautomatically switches betweenthe two based on the sunrise timeand sunset time for your currentlocation (Auto).Screen Timeout—sets how thescreen automatically shuts off if thedevice is inactive for the selectedlength of time.•••