Garmin Mobile ™ 10 set up and go! Customize Your Mobile Device’sSettingsSet your mobile device’s auto-off and other powermanagement settings to be suitable for yournavigation experience. Refer to your mobile device’sdocumentation for instructions.Navigating with nRouteFor complete information on using nRoute, refer to thebuilt-in Help system. Select Help > nRoute Help.Menu bar: (along the top of the nRoute window)provides access to the features of the program. Click aheading (such as Find) to see the options in that menu.Click one of those options.toolbars: (below the Menu bar) provide you withquick access to commonly used nRoute features.Infobar: (below the Toolbars) displays your GPS statusand navigation instructions and information.Map: shows your current location (indicated with atriangle ) and the areas around your location. The mapmoves as you move to constantly show your location.Information tabs: display specific information aboutyour trip and saved information, such as routes. Clickon a tab to display it.Status bar: (on the bottom of the nRoute window)displays your location information and the batterystatus of the GPS 10x receiver.