Garmin Mobile ® 10 Quick Start ManualIf the GPS 10x receiver has not established aBluetooth connection after several minutes, it turns offautomatically. To manually turn the GPS 10x receiveroff, press and hold the Power button.Bluetooth LED StatusRapid Flashing Blue: power is on, Bluetooth is onSlow Flashing Blue: A Bluetooth link to your phoneis establishedPower LED StatusFlashing Yellow Green: charging is in progressSolid Yellow Green: the battery is chargedFlashing Orange: low batterySolid Orange: faulty battery or system errorMore Information on the Bluetooth®Wireless ConnectionEnsure the GPS 10x is turned on.Ensure the Bluetooth component on your phone isproperly configured.••••••••The GPS 10x receiver PIN/passkey is 1234.See Click SearchSupport, enter “Bluetooth”, and click Search.Step 5: Install the GPS 10x in aVehicleTo communicate using Bluetooth® wireless technology,the GPS 10x receiver must be within approximately 30feet (10 meters) of the phone.To receive satellite signals, place the GPS 10x receiverwhere it has a clear view of the sky.Step 6: Acquire GPS Signals1. Open Garmin Mobile XT.2. Confirm that the Blue LED on the GPS 10x receiveris slowly flashing blue, indicating that a wirelessconnection is established.3. Go outdoors to an open area, away from tallbuildings and trees.••