94 GPSMAP 60CSx Owner’s ManualAPPENDIX >Speed - Your current vehicle speed can be measured in milesper hour, kilometers per hour or knots.Speed - Maximum - The maximum speed you have attainedsince the Trip Computer was reset.Speed - Moving Avg. - The average speed while moving.Speed - Overall Avg. - The average speed determined by boththe moving and stopped time and speed.Sunrise - The time of sunrise for the current date and location.Sunset - The time of sunset for the current date and location.Time To Destination - The estimated time enroute to your finaldestination, if you maintain your current speed and course.Time To Next - The estimated time enroute to the next point onyour route, if you maintain your current speed and course.Time of Day - The current time and date. It can be displayedin 12 or 24 hour format in local time or universal (UTC) time.To Course - Your direction of travel to get back on course.Trip Odometer - The running total of distance traveled sincethe Trip Computer was reset.Trip Time - Moving - The length of time your vehicle hasbeen in motion, since the Trip Computer was reset.Trip Time - Stopped - The length of time that the vehicle hasbeen stopped (stationary) while the unit was powered On andtracking your location (since the Trip Computer was reset).Trip Time - Total - The total time the unit has been trackingsince the Trip Computer was reset.Turn - The direction of, and distance to, the next turn on anactive route.Velocity Made Good - The rate of closure on a destinationbased upon your current speed and course of travel.Vertical Speed - The rate of altitude gain/loss over time.Vertical Speed Dest - The measurement of your rate ofacsent/decsent to a predetermined altitude.Water Speed - The data acquired from measurement devicesinterfaced to the GPSmap 60CS is used to calculate your cur-rent speed over water.Water Temperature - The temperature of water at a measureddepth using devices interfaced to the GPSMAP 60CSx.Waypoint - Destination - The last point on a route, yourdestination.Waypoint - Next - The next point on your route.