20Getting StartedMain Menu Page/Deleting WaypointsMain Menu PageAs you’ve seen, the primary pages provide map, sonar, and navigation information. The tour’s lastpage is the Main Menu page, which allows access to the GPSMAP 178C Sounder’s waypoint, route, andplanning functions, as well as various operational and navigation setup features, and celestial and tidedata.The Main Menu is available from any page, and is accessed through the MENU key.To access the main menu page:1. Press the MENU key twice (or hold down the MENU key for two seconds.).The Main Menu page lists 16 vertical ‘tabs’ that are divided into categories by function. You canview a particular menu by simply highlighting the desired tab, which shows any secondary (horizontal)submenu tabs and options for that tab.To get a basic feel for how the Main Menu page works, let’s delete the two waypoints you createdduring the simulated tour. This ensures that you have a clean slate once you start navigating in yourhome waters.To delete the practice waypoints:1. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the ‘Points’ menu tab. You see a list of stored waypointsappear to the right of the Main Menu list.2. Press RIGHT one time on the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the ‘User’ submenu tab.3. Press DOWN on the ARROW KEYPAD and highlight waypoint ‘001’ with the shipwreck symbol.4. You may delete the waypoint by either pressing MENU, then highlighting ‘Delete Waypoint’; or bypressing ENTER and then highlighting ‘Delete’ from the Waypoint Edit page.5. Press ENTER to delete the waypoint, then ENTER again to confirm. Repeat the above steps todelete the ‘Dock’ waypoint also.Main MenuMainMenuTabsSubmenuTabss