42ReferenceCurrent Route PageRecalculate—Recalculates the Goto or route starting from your current location.This allows you to update the route if you’ve traveled off the current route or reselectedbetween faster time or shorter distance calculations.To recalculate the currently selected route:1. With the Current Route Page Options displayed, use the ROCKER KEYPAD tohighlight ‘Recalculate’ and press ENTER.Use Detour—Recalculates the Goto or route, bypassing the road you are currentlyon for a specified distance. Use this option if the road ahead is closed or congestedand you need an alternate route.To detour the road ahead on the currently selected route:1. With the Current Route Page Options displayed, use the ROCKER KEYPAD tohighlight ‘Use Detour’ and press ENTER.2. A pop-up window appears with selections for detour distance. Use the ROCKERKEYPAD to select the distance of road ahead you wish to bypass and press ENTER.3. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select a route preference (e.g., ‘Faster Time’ or‘Shorter Distance’) and press ENTER.Save Route—Saves the current Goto or route in memory for future use.1. With the Current Route Page Options displayed, use the ROCKER KEYPAD tohighlight ‘Save Route’ and press ENTER.2. A pop-up window appears to confirm the route is saved. Press ENTER to acknowl-edge the confirmation window.Select ‘Save Route’ if you wish to keep theroute for future use.When road construction or traffic delaysbecome a problem, select ‘Use Detour’ andthe GPS V will calculate an alternate routearound the problem area.