09/25/02 GPS_field_guide 8:19 A9/P92CONTENTSCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO GPS1.1 What is GPS ?…………………………………………………………...21.2 How does GPS work ?…………………………………………………..31.3 Source of GPS signal errors……………………………………………...7CHAPTER 2: WHY USING GPS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WHO WHS ?CHAPTER 3: PRESENTATION OF THE GARMIN ETREX GPS UNIT3.1 Overview of the eTrex unit……………………………………………..103.2 Utilisation of the eTrex unit…………………………………………….133.2.1 Installation of the batteries………………………………………….133.2.2 The eTrex operating system………………………………………...133.2.3 The eTrex pages…………………………………………………….. The 'NORMAL SKYVIEW SATELLITE' page………………...14The 'DISPLAY' page………………………………………………..16The 'ADVANCED SKYVIEW SATELLITE' page………………... The 'MENU' page………………………………………………..17The 'MARK WAYPOINT' option page…………………………….19The 'SETUP' option page……………………………………………19The 'UNITS' setup page…………………………………………….20The 'SYSTEM' setup page………………………………………….20CHAPTER 4: TROUBLESHOOTING4.1 eTrex doesn't turn on…………………………………………………….214.2 The message "READY TO NAVIGATE" doesn't appears on the screen 214.3 The message "TROUBLE TRACKING SATELLITES. ARE YOUINDOOR NOW ?" appears on the screen…………………………..214.4 I am not getting an accuracy higher (better) than 20 meters…………….224.5 eTrex does not display the desired units when making the accuracy orcoordinates reading………………………………………………….224.6 eTrex does not display the local time on the 'SETUP' page…………….234.7 The geographic coordinates I get are outside the ranges given in theprotocol form……………………………………………………….23GLOSSARY………………………………………………………………………….24BIBLIOGRAPHY / LINKS………………………………………………………….25