190-00880-00 GPS 20x Technical Specifications Rev. APage Accuracy• GPS Standard Positioning Service (SPS)Position: < 15 meters, 95% typicalVelocity: 0.1 knot RMS steady state• WAASPosition: < 3 meters, 95% typicalVelocity: 0.1 knot RMS steady state• Dynamics: 999 knots velocity (only limited at altitude greater than 60,000 feet), 2g dynamics1.5.4 Interfaces1.5.4.1 GPS 20x Electrical CharacteristicsUSB 2.0 full-speed protocol compatible, as well as USB 1.1 full-speed protocol. Garmin Interface and Garmin USB ProtocolRefer to the Garmin Device Interface Specification found in the Garmin Device Interface SDK for informationabout the Garmin Interface and the Garmin USB Protocol. At the time of this printing, this document is located onthe Garmin Web site at: www.garmin.com/support/commProtocol.html.See Appendix B: Garmin Binary Output Format for additional information concerning access to binary data fromthe GPS 20x.Using Spanner (an application that can provide NMEA output via a virtual COM port), the GPS 20x can sendNMEA 0183 output sentences. Spanner is available for free on the Garmin web site. To download the software, startat www.garmin.com/oem, select the GPS 20x, and then select Updates & Downloads.Available NMEA 0183 output sentences include GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGSV, GPRMC, and PGRMT (Garminproprietary sentence). See section 3.1 Transmitted NMEA 0183 Sentences for format descriptions.